"THE leader of the French Socialist party and father of Ségolène Royal’s children has expressed ambivalence towards her presidential quest by saying that he would have had “greater legitimacy” as a candidate, even if she had more chance of winning.
(...) Hollande, 52, suggested he had sacrificed his own presidential ambitions to help his more popular lover. But in an interview with The Sunday Times he sounded far from comfortable with the role of second fiddle.
“I considered she had more chances [of winning], even if I had greater legitimacy as party secretary-general,” he said.
(...) Royal might have seemed the party’s best hope for achieving that but it was not the first time that Hollande had sounded less than supportive. When one of Royal’s aides declared, after she was crowned party candidate, that she was now “the general” leading the campaign, Hollande snapped: “I’m the general.”
And in January he was heard to comment: “Kings always take back power. Queens last only a certain time.” (...)"
In Times Online.